Geocode a Location

When you enter an address and select Locate, the case is geocoded to the X and Y coordinates on the map. Geocoding gives you the opportunity to pinpoint a specific address or parcel making it easier to visually compare, map, calculate and analyze data.

  1. On the Create New and Main panels, enter an address and click the Locate button to the right of the Location field to open the Geocode Results window.

  1. Select the desired address from the list. This will geocode to the case without having to open the map. However, if the map is already open, the results are displayed as map pins. When a result is selected, it will center on the corresponding pin on the map.
  2. Select Use the address of the selected candidate to update the inspection address and X and Y coordinates with the selected address and its coordinates. If you do not select this check box, it will still update the X and Y coordinates but will not update the address.

  1. After you've selected an address, click Select to apply the results to the case and populate the X and Y fields.

NOTE: Score is an Esri-calculated value that shows how closely the value entered matches the parameters defined by Esri.


Last updated 12/12/2018.

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